Its great, but its missing some things.
A lot of sprites were not included. Many blood sprites were missing, and you did not include the rest of the body parts for the Mag agent (hope I got it right). Also, the background choices are terribly low. You should focus on more than just people and gun sprites. Also, the pose system is a little too sensitive and got stuck a few times. Also the boxes that were rotate handles didn't really work. It seems you coded the lines and not the boxes themselves. The box in the middle is scompletely unnecessary unless its supposed to do something I haven't figured out yet. The flip system is also a little sensitive. Oh, and it seems the bg buttons get stuck a couple times as well. I opened this page after the game was updated, so it is even more disappointing to see so little options. I don't know how long you worked on this, but right now it looks as if you did a good job on the coding, but failed on having "Most (of the) madness sprites from MC7-9, and many more."
~Depes Crystalline~
~Depes Crystalline~