I use powerpoint, nothing else. Don't judge me. ~Depes Crystalline~


PPT Doodler

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Posted by depes7448 - July 28th, 2010

I'm still looking for anybody willing to tutor me about powerpoint art. I'm still trying to improve. I worked on this image for a little over seven hours. As you can see I still need to improve. I used Microsoft Office Powerpoint.

~Depes Crystalline~




Thanks, I'll try.

~Depes Crystalline~

very good tho i cant help you can you add more stars easy or is that hard too

I based this off of a picture i googled up. There were no stars in the picture but two of Saturn's moons were visible.

~Depes Crystalline~

That's awesome depes! I agree with amocopperhead though. It needs some more stars

Like I said, only two of Saturn's moons were in the picture. If thee were stars, I would've tried making them, too.

~Depes Crystalline~

emo lol not amo

haha thats reallyyyyyyy funnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

What is?

~Depes Crystalline~

uh, i just learned science from this.
But no stars? Saturn is my mom!

Well the light from the sun could have drowned out the stars. The original picture was taken where the sun was behind the camera. The sun is bright enough to drown out the background stars with it's light. Two of Saturn's moons, however, are visible.

~Depes Crystalline~

now thats funny!!!!lolz on the post.

I don't understand.

~Depes Crystalline~

hey depes how are you doing?

I'm doing horrible. You could have just sent me a private message.

~Depes Crystalline~

Hi depes!

You made that picture yourself? That's really good! I don't know anything about powerpoint, unfortunately, or else I'd help you!

Power Point is part of Microsoft Office. Google it up. Or ask someone you know. Microsoft Office a very commonly used program. Many people use Microsoft Office Word to type essays, resumes, etc. I like using Microsoft Office Power Point to draw things even though it was meant for business presentations.

~Depes Crystalline~

ignore my last comment i have something to say....i need a tutor in math and i can tutor u in art.

Are you good? And how can I tutor you in math...

~Depes Crystalline~

DUDE! This is awesome...!

What is?

~Depes Crystalline~

great pic, I never knew that its possible to do such images with PPT...

It's just a bunch of circles. In fact... Everything in there is made of only circles... Well, except for the back ground and the rings. The background is a plain old rectangle and the rings are half donuts. The body of Saturn and the two moons are circles.

~Depes Crystalline~

Wow Depes, Looks pretty good!
You created this in PowerPoint?
That's even more bad-arse!

I disagree. Too many mistakes. Ugh.

Yes, I made it in PowerPoint. Anyone could make this. It doesn't require too much skill with PPT. It just takes a little imagination.

~Depes Crystalline~

nice art but you do really need to work on it.

It'd be great to know what you see wrong.

~Depes Crystalline~


La amas? Gracias. Te prefiero dar comentarios utiles la proxima vez.

~Depes Crystalline~

Mmm... Perhaps the shading is a bit off, and try to put more emphasis into the rings of dust, it seems strange :o.

The shading on the planet itself is correct. I just messed up on the shadow.

At first, I made the rings transparent, but it lost its transparency as soon as I rotated it. Unfortunately, that problem lies within the software's calculation codings, so I can't fix that. It would've looked better had PowerPoint kept the transparency.

~Depes Crystalline~

dude...thats amazing!

It's old, and I never bothered to fix it. Anyone can make this image on Powerpoint. It isn't that dificult.

~Depes Crystalline~

i have a suggestion try making a space station around saturn and give a futuristic feel to the drawing eh just a suggestion

I'm not into making futuristic drawings.

~Depes Crystalline~

o kay its ur choice

i still am amazed by this picture you drew. i can't draw for shit. XD